
How to Control Your Teen's Facebook Activity

Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/11 03:23PM

The young man seen here was apparently caught bragging about gang-banging activities, on Facebook. His uncle decided to whup his ass with a belt, live on video. Here is what strong social media boundary-setting looks like. Parents, take note.

Everybody's Moving to Austin

Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/11 12:40PM

No, it's not just your three friends from college and your ex-girlfriend and your cousin and those guys who used to be in your band: all the kids these days are moving to Austin, Texas. I heard Austin's cool, yeah.

Blogging Has Peaked

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 12:58PM

The internet is so popular these days! A big new survey shows that people of all ages are emailing, searching, shopping, banking, and browsing news and information online more than ever. What they aren't doing more is blogging.

Pay No Attention to This Quid Pro Quo

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/10 10:12AM

Just to be perfectly clear: yes, Save The Children has suddenly stopped its work in support of a tax on soda; but no, that's not connected to the huge monetary grant the group's seeking from the Coca-Cola corporation. Okay. [NYT]

Brits Can't Stop Selling Children Pervy Stuff

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/10 11:45AM

We naturally assumed that the United States of America took a backseat to no one when it comes to sexualizing our children at inappropriately young ages for the sake of commerce. Turns out, no: the UK is even pervier.

It's Easier Than Ever to Spy On Your Kids

Adrian Chen · 12/05/10 02:37PM

What the hell are our tweens doing on their little computer phones and Facebooks? Surely they aren't simply changing their avatars to cartoon characters all day. They're being bullied, and bullying. Luckily it's easy to see everything they do online.

Scientists, of All People, Call Something Boring

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/10 04:43PM

Bee colors! Useless vitamins! Bad medicine! Big mammals! Cell trickery! Eating kids! Deer danger! And something else extremely boring! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—and try not to doze off, because dang!