
Adolescents Demand Special Doctors, Still Die

Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/11 02:00PM

Breakup pain! Men and doctors! Mommy medicine! Adolescent specialists! Dangerous dyes! Sleep weight loss! Death rate fluctuations! M.S. marijuana! And eating disorders of the olds! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—or, like, whatever!

Kids Finally Smarten Up and Stop Going to Law School

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/11 12:34PM

Not to be immodest, but our research (reading the newspaper) indicated long ago that going to law school was a sucker move, for suckers. Why go to law school? All it is is racist beer pong and racist emails, and when you graduate your worthless degree won't get you a job, and you get all bitter and eventually find yourself in the comments of a Gawker post about law schools, telling me to fuck off for making fun of lawyers, because do I even appreciate what all the lawyers in history have done for the advancement of human freedom while I just sit around making jokes about something I don't even understand, asshole?

America's Classrooms: Crowded, Broke, and Run by Poors

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/11 11:34AM

Remember a few years back how all the people who care about children went on a whole kick about smaller class sizes? They were all, "Smaller class sizes are the key to educational success," blah blah, passing laws.

Children Are Being Overindulged When it Comes to Haircuts

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/11 12:35PM

Regular haircuts not good enough for your toddler? Does your unemployed, penniless, pooping child refuse to enter any salon that does not feature "trendy designer haircuts, hair styling (think spray-on hair color and hair tinsel) and kiddo-friendly beauty services, including funky nail design and glitter tattoos"?

Survey: Kids These Days Can't Get Laid, Except the Lesbians

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/11 12:44PM

A new CDC survey of Americans and their people-fucking preferences contains at least two valuable pieces of information. First, that kids these days are getting laid less; "the proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds who have had some kind of sex dropped in the past decade from 78 percent to about 72 percent." And second, that ladies love ladies; "Twice as many women reported any same-sex contact in their lifetimes compared with men (13% of women and 5.2% of men)."

The College Journalist's Dilemma: Hated by the Cool Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/11 10:34AM

When you're a kid, spreading the details of the misdeeds of others far and wide gets you branded a snitch and ruins your social life. But when you grow up, doing the same thing gets you branded a "journalist," and gets you invited to boring parties! So you can see the dilemma faced by the "college journalist:" old enough to be a reporter, young enough to still be hated by everyone, for snitching.

UVA Law Students Love Confederate Flag Beer Pong

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/11 01:02PM

Oh, cool: at the University of Virginia law school there's a "Feb Club" that hosts themed parties throughout February. Then they put up party pics on their blog. Here's one from their latest bash: note the awesome Confederate flag beer pong tables.

Our Future Military Leaders: Nerds Smoking Fake Weed

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/11 11:58AM

It must suck so bad to go to one of these allegedly prestigious military service academies. Besides being hazed by crewcut goons and receiving a trip to Iraq as a graduation present, you can't even smoke real ganja. So weak.

Celebukid College Joke Rap Genre Reaches Its Nadir With 'Pussy Breath'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/11 12:57PM

It's okay for college kids, or white kids, or even rich and famous kids to like rap; or even to rap themselves, if they happen to be blessed with that particular talent. But it's not okay for rich famous white college kids to butcher rap music, for laffs (on purpose, or unintentionally). Not any more, at least. Maybe it was funny the first time someone tried it, oh so many years ago? We doubt it. But maybe. Now, though... we present you with Pussy Breath.

Rich Camp for Rich Kids Is Really Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/11 12:54PM

Are you cursed with spoiled children, $25,000 to burn, and a desire to make your already-wealthy kids even more unbearable by marinating them in an all-encompassing sauce of privilege?

Lying College Students Don't Binge Drink Any More

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 04:02PM

Kids these days! Getting smashed is no longer the "cool" thing to do among American collegians—college binge drinking rates (at Purdue, admittedly) have fallen from 48% to 37% in only three years! What are our young people doing rather than downing Colt 45 at racist fraternity sex parties? According to the Wall Street Journal—known as the beating pulse of life on campus—they're doing the following:

America's Inner Cities Overrun by White Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 10:02AM

The "Good Old Days" in America, when White Sue and Pale Johnny only viewed their nearest city's urban hellscape through the windows of a speeding SUV as they drove back to the suburbs after watching the big ballgame are over. Consider America's ongoing demographic trends: the evolution of suburbs into slums; the migration of black Americans from Northern cities back to the South; every god damn 22 year-old who's ever strummed an acoustic guitar moving to Austin. The writing is on the wall. And now, the data has confirmed what we all feared: America's cities are full of white kids.

Private School Parents Have Their Own Problems to Worry About

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 01:21PM

In Texas, school districts are so low on money that they're selling ads on school buses, thanks to the "largest cuts to public education since World War II." In New York, many school districts are staring down 14% budget cuts, which educators fear will "widen the funding gap between wealthier and poorer school districts." Federal student aid programs are in for multibillion-dollar cuts of their own. And among the parents of children in Manhattan's most exclusive private elementary schools, a separate, but equally pressing, worry: is Emma beating her peers, enough?

Weed-Selling Reporter Not Great at Either Job

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 03:10PM

In your finally Friday media column: journalism's least competent weed dealer located, a Wikileaks smear scheme exposed, Rupert Murdoch believes in himself, AP employees put their cars on strike, and Eminem only speaks to middle school news outlets.