No matter how many times someone writes the story about high-priced consultants who purport to tell corporations how to deal with their young employees—it’s still funny!!!

Let’s say you’re a corporate executive. How do you deal with those confounding “millennials” in your workplace? You may imagine the answer to be: a swift kick in the ass! That is because you are not corporate executive material. If you were a real corporate executive, you would know that the answer is: hire a “millennial adviser” for as much as $25,000 per hour (the quoted rate for a speech by this lady) to reveal to you very advanced common-sense platitudes... for millennials!

From the Wall Street Journal:

Red Robin Gourmet Burgers hired Dan Schawbel, 32, to help stem turnover among young workers. Mr. Schawbel, a partner and research director at Future Workplace, an executive-development firm, said he advised managers at the Greenwood Village, Colo., burger chain to let corporate employees set flexible schedules. The company now allows corporate employees to take Friday afternoons off, and banned Friday meetings, said Cathy Cooney, senior vice president and human-resources director.

Mr. Schawbel said he also advised Red Robin to make its executives more visible. Chief Executive Stephen Carley now brings doughnuts or bagels into the office at least once a quarter and personally hands them out to employees, Ms. Cooney said.

Damn— that’s some insightful shit.

But do the post-millennials want donuts? I can’t wait to hire a consultant to find out!