
Alanis Morissette Is Pregnant, and Other Surprises

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/10 09:12AM

You oughta know that Alanis has a bun in the oven. Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush get into a drunken brawl. Boy George thinks Lady Gaga is full of it. Jennifer Aniston pities Lindsay Lohan. Isn't Wednesday gossip ironic?

Is Christina Aguilera About to Get Fired From Music?

Adrian Chen · 07/18/10 09:43AM

Christina Aguilera is the poor man's Lady Gaga. Jennifer Aniston was spotted with a mystery guy. The Situation gets a sweet deal. Now that their sport is cool, soccer stars are finally getting some. Sunday's Gossip roundup is no troll.

The Gawker Guide to Summer Movies

Richard Lawson · 05/27/10 03:57PM

Sure, Iron Man 2 and other big-ticket adventures have already opened, but we here at Gawker are traditionalists. For us, summer begins on Memorial Day. So put on those white shoes (finally!) and let's look at this season's popcorn flicks.

Lady Gaga Replaces Penis Rumor with Incurable Disease Rumor

Maureen O'Connor · 05/24/10 08:46AM

Lady Gaga wasn't born with ambiguous genitals, but with lupus. Lindsay Lohan goes to court today, and prepared by giving an interview on YouTube. Rihanna wants to adopt. Romance on the set of Glee? Just another manic Monday gossip roundup.