During last night's Countdown, Keith Olbermann maintained Jennifer Anistion's statements about single parenting that caused Bill O'Reilly to call the actress destructive to society. Olbermann uses his amateur psychoanalysis and chalks it up to O'Reilly's daddy issues.

While naming Bill O'Reilly in his World's Worst segment, he said this about what he felt was the true reason behind O'Reilly's disparaging remarks about Aniston:

If you've read Marvin Kitman's biography of O'Reilly, it's pretty simple. Virtually every reference O'Reilly makes to his own father describes how the man hit, slapped, punched him. As Kitman put it, simply, O'Reilly has a history of physical abuse with his father. It is actually very sad.

We assume the host will have a response to Olbermann's allegations tonight. Here's the clip in its entirety.

[There was a video here]