Elizabeth Goldhirsh & Eric Yellin Met On J-Date
aswerdloff · 08/27/07 02:40PM
Each week, the 'New York Times' publishes wedding announcements from the newsworthy set. While it's true that you'll never find love and eventually you'll wind up settling for whoever's left, your sad little dreams put to a terrible end in some dingy rented hall that was the only place you and the schmuck you wound up with could afford, it's still nice to know that good things can happen to other, better people. Intern Alexis tallies the score from Vowland.
Ad Hoc Altarcations: Don't Mind the Leaking Duffel Bag
Liutrain · 03/25/07 05:13PM
Each Monday, Intern Alexis uses a rigorous scale to rank the happy pair-bonds cemented in the Times wedding announcements. But surely, the Times can't contain all the nuptial bliss to be experienced in the metro area. Ergo, the Post's weddings section, where the couples require a more flexible scale that can take into consideration differences in, say, life experience. And body type.
'NYT' Vows Goes Video
Chris Mohney · 09/19/06 08:10AM
When an investment banker and an internist find love in Manhattan, it's a natural fit for a New York Times "Vows" listing. When the lucky couple met through JDate, you've got to go the extra mile — how about a NYT "Vows" video montage on top of the print listing? We're not sure how long this "Vows" expansion has been going on, as "Lisa & Sam" is the first we've noticed. Besides looking and sounding like an extended informercial for JDate, it's a Hollywood ending. Boy meets girl, boy proposes, girl says yes, girl reneges, boy "processes," boy methodically re-courts girl, girl is finally worn down into relenting and re-accepting proposal. Somehow, this simple story makes five minutes of video seem like an eternity.
The Tard Trifecta: Richard Nouveau, JDate, and Pocket Change
Jessica · 05/25/06 08:57AM
An email from a new e-zine called Pocket Change has been floating around, informing recipients that on Tuesday, May 23, 100 women from JDate would be expecting to meet Richard Nouveau, "the fictitious editor-at-large of Pocket Change, a new e-publication covering the most expensive items in the city." Notes the quasi-release: