The Tard Trifecta: Richard Nouveau, JDate, and Pocket Change

An email from a new e-zine called Pocket Change has been floating around, informing recipients that on Tuesday, May 23, 100 women from JDate would be expecting to meet Richard Nouveau, "the fictitious editor-at-large of Pocket Change, a new e-publication covering the most expensive items in the city." Notes the quasi-release:
For the past week, Pocket Change, has commissioned two interns to sit on jdate, setting up dates on behalf of Richard. Again, over 100 women and going to arrive anxious to meet the man they have been emailing, im-ing, and speaking with only to find 99 other hopefuls.
And it worked, apparently, as 100 women showed up at Fat Baby on Tuesday night, white roses in hand and looking to meet their date, only to find that Nouveau didn't exist. As if going to Fat Baby weren't bad enough.
OK, so Pocket Change duped a bunch of unsuspecting women. But, um, why? Is this to suggest that Jewish women are luxury items? We get publicity stunts — such as, say, dumping a bunch of pennies on a crowded sidewalk and then running away, as these guys have — but not when the stunt isn't easily connected to what's being promoted. Unless, of course, Pocket Change is for 8-year-old boys. Then it almost makes sense.
UPDATE: Apparently we've been duped now, by some coordinated email campaign saying that the stunt brought in 100 women. In reality, maybe 4 showed up (and that's being generous). Though we give Pocket Change some PR points for straight-up lying. This e-zine is gonna rock.