Elizabeth Goldhirsh & Eric Yellin Met On J-Date

Each week, the 'New York Times' publishes wedding announcements from the newsworthy set. While it's true that you'll never find love and eventually you'll wind up settling for whoever's left, your sad little dreams put to a terrible end in some dingy rented hall that was the only place you and the schmuck you wound up with could afford, it's still nice to know that good things can happen to other, better people. Intern Alexis tallies the score from Vowland.
There were some good ones this week. Kyle Smith, author of "Love Monkey" got hitched to Sara Austin a Self mag editor, the son of the president of Julliard got married, as did the daughter of the executive producer of Lincoln Center Theater and the grandson of the chairman and chief executive of the Ford Motor Company... but it was Elizabeth Goldhirsh, daughter of the late magazine honcho Bernard Goldhirsh, and her non-money-grubbing husband Eric Yellin, who - despite having met on JDate — brought it home. Here's why.
Elizabeth Goldhirsh, Eric Yellin
Couple married in Jerusalem: +2
Elizabeth has a BA from Penn; Eric has a BA from Cornell: +3
She has an MA in journalism from Columbia: +2
She has an MA in theological studies from Harvard; he has an MBA from Harvard: +7
Elizabeth is on the board of directors of the Goldhirsh Foundation in Boston: +1
She is a founding donor of the Israeli program of the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, which teaches business skills to low-income students: +1
Her father was the founder and publisher of several magazines, including Sail and Inc.: +2
They met on JDate: -1
Their first conversation was an in-depth analysis of the European Union's expansion into Eastern Europe: +1
Elizabeth inherited her parents' estate when they both passed away and didn't tell Eric her last name for the first several weeks they were dating — to make sure he wasn't in it for the wrong reasons. For being tactical: +3
Total: 21