There's no question that traveling to the Middle East right now is a hazardous proposition. But two dozen Jewish American singles from the tri-state area were willing to take that chance. Why? To let the beautiful babies know they're money and ready to party.

Via the Jewish Daily Forward, a J-Date-sponsored tale of burning love and burning villages:

War, what is it good for? Jewish sexy-time, apparently.

Undeterred by the conflict, 24 Jews participated in the first ever Jewish National Fund- JDate Singles Trip to Israel. Translation: Jews age 30 to 45 travel to Israel to get it on in the sun, with a side of hummus.

The launch of Operation Protective Edge forced the organizers to tweak the original itinerary, which included tours through "the trendy neighborhood clubs of Tel Aviv, the wide expanses of the Negev, and the hi-tech center of the Gush Dan region."...

The fragile security situation also created "an especially fertile ground for meaningful interaction," (read: fear makes people horny).

It wasn't all randy fun on this important trip to Eretz Yisrael, homeland and U.S. ally. Some singles didn't even want to make the trip. But who needs those killjoys anyway?

As Lori, a participant from New Jersey, pointed out, "Over half of the original group cancelled. On this kind of trip, it can be overwhelming to connect one-on-one in a large group. But touring with a smaller group, with everyone's emotions running extra high, made it a much more intimate experience."

Activities on the updated route included "an adventurous jeep ride through the picturesque Golan Heights" — with a two-hour stop at the buffer zone between Israel and Syria and ending at the Golan Heights Winery.

"Israel's tapestry of contrasts and contradictions is highly thought-provoking. Participants found themselves exchanging ideas and opinions on a level that the average singles trip often avoids," the Forward quoted a JNF press release as saying.

Perhaps the singles found themselves over candlelight, intensely discussing things the rest of us can't, like whether or not there was a legitimate military objective to repeatedly shelling four kids playing soccer in daylight on a Gazan beach.

Barring that, maybe they discussed this psychologist's recent advice on the Mideast situation.

[Photo credit: Jewish National Fund/Facebook]