
ISIS Didn't Actually Tweet a "Warning" About the Chattanooga Shooting

Andy Cush · 07/16/15 05:26PM

This afternoon, an apparent ISIS supporter tweeted the above image along with the text “O Americans Dogs soon YOU Will see wonders #Chattanooga #USA #ISIS,” and some in the right-wing media reported that the tweet constituted an advance warning about the deadly attack. The only problem: It was posted long after the shooting began.

New Video Appears to Show 25 Men Executed By ISIS Child Soldiers

Brendan O'Connor · 07/04/15 01:15PM

A new video, reportedly released by ISIS, appears to show 25 soldiers being executed at the amphitheater in Palmyra, Syria. The men’s executioners look to be boys in their teens. The video has not yet been independently verified.