The latest casualty in the ongoing war against terror appears to be true love.

This weekend, federal agents arrested two young Mississippi newlyweds—Jaelyn Delshaun Young, 19, and Muhammad Oda Dakhlalla, 22—who perhaps took the adage “til death do us part” a bit too literally. But turns out the crazy kids ever even had a chance at post-nuptial martyr bliss, because they accidentally hired a federal agent as their terrorism honeymoon planner.

The FBI began conversing with Young—a chemistry student at Mississippi State University—after she allegedly expressed interest in applying for a job with ISIS on her Twitter account.

And by all accounts her resume was strong: Young allegedly “specified her skills with math and chemistry and said she and Dakhlhalla would like to be medics treating the injured,” and/or assisting the terrorists with their social media. Via CBS:

Dakhlalla told the first FBI agent in an online conversation in June that he was “good with computers, education and media” and that his father had approved him and Young to get married. In July, the charges say, he expressed a desire to become a fighter for the group. “I am willing to fight,” he is quoted as saying.

But as they say, love is a prison, and in a prison the newlyweds remain—a judge denied them bail this week saying “their desire to commit terrorism is ‘probably still there.’”

Scary stuff! But on the bright side, if you attended their wedding and didn’t buy a gift yet, sure sounds like you—perhaps literally—dodged a bullet.

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