
Irene Death Toll Reaches Five; D.C., NYC Bracing Themselves

Lauri Apple · 08/27/11 09:43AM

This morning the "eye wall" of Hurricane Irene reached land just east of Cape Lookout in North Carolina—sweeping away dunes, flooding beaches, destroying a pier in kinda-nearby Atlantic Beach, and causing power outages. The old girl's not as strong as we thought she'd be, though! The latest, with updates below.

MSNBC Contributor: Hurricane Irene Is a 'Total Bitch'

Adrian Chen · 08/26/11 04:58PM

Cable news should never try to do comedy, even if a state of emergency has been declared. Here's MSNBC contributor Touré comparing Hurricane Irene to a bad date on Dylan Ratigan this afternoon. She's a "total bitch"—get it?

The Upside to a Hurricane

Brian Moylan · 08/26/11 04:47PM

Right now everyone is griping about Hurricane Irene. "It's ruining my weekend!" "I'm being evacuated!" "This is the worst!" Oh, shut up, everyone. This hurricane is going to be great! Here's why.

How Are You Preparing for Hurricane Irene?

Brian Moylan · 08/26/11 03:10PM

Everyone is flipping out about this damn hurricane that's going to batter the East Coast either tomorrow or Sunday. Have you evacuated? If so, where are you headed? If not, what are you gonna do? Let us know.

The Eastern Seaboard Prepares for Hurricane Irene

Leah Beckmann · 08/26/11 02:40PM

The clock is ticking as residents along the East Coast prepare to suffer the wrath of Hurricane Irene. Will it actually be as bad as everyone is saying? As you can see from these photos, lots of people are taking the "better safe than sorry" approach. So fire up your "Come on Irene" jokes (if you're the sort of person who would make one of those), board up all the windows, and prepare to loot your nearest grocery store. Irene is upon us!

Science and Math Prove This Hurricane Will Destroy Us All

Adrian Chen · 08/26/11 09:58AM

You hear about this hurricane that's headed up the East Coast? According to a variety of scientific and mathematical calculations, Hurricane Irene might completely drown New York City and much of the Eastern seaboard. It's a dire weather prediction geek-off.

How to Prepare for a Hurricane

Brian Moylan · 08/25/11 06:23PM

Did you hear? Hurricane Irene is going to slam into New York City like Lindsay Lohan slamming into the sidewalk in front of a nightclub. It's going to be horrible! But we're sure you can make it through if you prepare adequately. Here's how.

Will Hurricane Irene Destroy NYC? Place Your Bets

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/11 01:06PM

As you know because you are currently reading this blog post on your handheld device as you stand in line at Home Depot where you're purchasing plywood, duct tape, and guns (shhhh), Hurricane Irene is allegedly headed straight for New York City. Is it even worth worrying?