
Man Sentenced to Literal 'Eye for an Eye' Punishment

Maureen O'Connor · 12/13/10 05:40PM

A 25-year-old Tehranian who blinded his girlfriend's husband by throwing acid in his face has been sentencing to having acid drizzled over his face and eyes. Apparently they're seeking "forensic scientists" to carry out the punishment now. [Daily Mail]

Rappers Arrested in Iran

Max Read · 11/08/10 01:30AM

Iranian police have arrested members of "underground rap groups" in Tehran after "young boys and girls" were found to be recording rap music and making videos in vacant homes. The rappers were also drinking liquor.

Wikileaks' Iraq War Logs: U.S. Ignored Iraqi Torture

Adrian Chen · 10/22/10 05:45PM

Secret-sharing website Wikileaks just released the largest leak of U.S. military documents ever, and it's like the oposite of Christmas. The 400,000 Iraq war documents details widespread torture by America's Iraqi allies, abuse the U.S. military largely ignored.