
Strikes, and Balls

Jesse · 12/20/05 02:45PM

A blogebrity too shy to publish this on his own site passes along a strike-specific advertising message from a website of which he's apparently a member. (Long ago, he assures us. Accidentally! Just to see! Really!)

Thrillist Fails Us All

Jessica · 12/15/05 10:04AM

Today's edition of fratty email newsletter Thrillist features the subject line "Ski in the City." Being wildly immature, we chuckled to ourselves and thought, well, that makes sense. It was only a matter of time before the Thrillist dudes, having already covered booze and easy sex in every possible context, addressed that third staple of New York nightlife. For a brief moment, we almost admired their moxie.

MTV In Bed With Bill Gates

Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/05 04:09PM

TV networks are quickly realizing the necessity of aligning themselves with a major online content store. ABC and NBC made the obvious choice of an Apple/iTunes marriage, but MTV has decided to forego the shiny, white, easily-scratchable party, pairing its soon to launch URGE network with woefully unhip big meanie, Microsoft:

David Hauslaib Abandons His Jossip Hobby

Jessica · 12/12/05 11:47AM

In nerdy blog news, David Hauslaib, the well-coiffed young thing behind gossip blog Jossip and gay spin-off Queerty, is stepping down after two years of nursing Jossip to maturity. He'll stick around in a management capacity (how very Denton!), but no more daily blogging. His replacement, Corynne Steindler, comes from the sketchy, non-descript environs of Star and Lloyd Grove's desk at the Daily News, though we've no idea what, specifically, any of that means. Not that it matters — as we've found, professional qualifications tend to hinder one's blogging ability.

Unsurprisingly, Lexicographers Give Good Email

Jesse · 12/08/05 01:24PM

When one sends an email off to a vast, semi-faceless organization, one expects a certain sort of a response (to the very limited extent one even bothers to expect a response at all). From some places — oh, say, us — you wouldn't be astonished to receive a raunchy and expletive-laden reply. From most organizations, though, you'd expect something fairly tame. And the Oxford dictionary folks seem to fall squarely into the latter camp.

The Zagat's of Cocaine

Jessica · 12/07/05 04:40PM

Eventually, a truly problematic cocaine user will snort himself out of a job and be resigned to a life spent sweating and grinding within the confines of his apartment. Eschewing daylight and human contact in favor of waiting for the next delivery, it's only a matter of time before these shut-ins become bloggers, listing their favorite eight-ball distributors like music geeks list their favorite albums:

We Always Loved Freud

Jessica · 12/06/05 08:16AM

Defying all the commercialism and profit the holidays have come to mean, retailer J.Crew boldly smacks the season with a subversive reality check. And so many a sporty WASP-wannabe is left in a harrowing pit of confusion — and, worse, a stalled state of spending.

Welcome to Googlewood

Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/05 06:03PM

The Great Internet Giants Battle for Hollywood is upon us, pitting interactive media colossus (and Gawker content bodysnatcher) Yahoo! against the indomitable, ubiquitous search-entity Google. Yahoo! struck first, hiring former co-chairman and co-chief executive of Warner Bros. Terry Semel to guide the company through the murky jungles of show business dealings.

Could Google Be Jumping the Shark?

Jesse · 11/21/05 05:13PM

In practical terms, no, of course not. Google is still the best, fastest, most useful, and most verbed search engine out there. But it's also been the recipient of glowing press coverage for nearly as long as it has been around. And you have to imagine that the good media fortune will eventually run out. (The press? Mercurial? You think?)

Fun With Yahoo and Homonyms

Jesse · 11/21/05 07:59AM

Friday afternoon we pointed out the deleterious effect Yahoo's censor monkeys can have on the brilliantly ribald copy produced by Gawker Media blogs and syndicated to the search engine. As an example, we showed you the Yahoo'd version of a Wonkette post from that day:

Wonkette: Go **** Yourself

Jesse · 11/18/05 05:14PM

We put on a good show the other day, didn't we? Yahoo deal means nothing! Our content won't change at all! You're all overreacting! We were so convincing, we even believed ourselves. As our slutty sister discovered today, we were wrong:

Translating Thrillist

Jessica · 11/18/05 08:43AM

Today's issue of manly-man email newsletter Thrillist goes where very few men will openly go and addresses the issue of men and makeup:

Dnde Est el Mediabistro?: Part Deux

Jesse · 11/16/05 05:14PM

Some people have successfully gotten into the Mediabistro site today; many others — including us — have not. Times real-estate Hunter Joyce Cohen writes in with a partial explanation:

Media Bubble: Scocca Hits Because He Loves

Jesse · 11/16/05 02:10PM

• Come on, Pinch, you're breaking poor Tom Scocca's heart. [NYO]
• Was Bob Woodward the first reporter to learn of Valerie Plame's identity? And why didn't he mention that to anyone till now? [WP]
• Ah, but at least Ben Bradlee says it's OK Woodward didn't tell his nominal bosses. [E&P]
• Turns out Bush-crony public-broadcasting chief Kenneth Tomlinson — you know, the guy determined to get more conservatives on PBS — broke all sorts of laws and regulations. [NYT]
• Who's to blame for Arrested Development's (latest) demise. America, obviously. [NYO]
• Rupert: This internet thing is gonna be huge! [Hollywood Reporter]
• What reference in a headline will conclusively show that boomer media dominance is over? [Slate]
• MSNBC's Chris Matthews name-drops, and Jon Friedman loves him anyway. [MW]

Dnde Est el Mediabistro?

Jessica · 11/16/05 08:48AM

As many of you early birds have noted (and, seriously, it's not even 9 A.M. — what the hell are you all doing up at this hour?), Mediabistro seems to be having some problems. A WHOIS search shows that was set to expire on November 10th, but the account was updated on the 11th. Sounds like a classic fuck-up of the sort with which we are not unfamiliar. Oh, how we long for the days of our great October 2004 server crash...we spent so much time outside...