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Really, people. Do you honestly think we'd go and do that without telling anyone? Please.

Contrary to what some other blogs are reporting, bossman Nick Denton did not sell the company to Yahoo today. Rather, we entered a syndication partnership. We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along — and working for the same independent, crazy, large-headed British moneybags we've been working for all along — while Yahoo will pick up a handful of our items each day to include with their editorial offerings. (Likewise for Wonkette, Defamer, Gizmodo, and Lifehacker.) It's a distribution deal, no more than that, designed to bulk up the editorial brand Yahoo's trying to build, and, God willing, give us a bit more of the traffic we like so much.

That's it.

Gawker Blogs Land Yahoo Distribution Deal [Reuters via CNN]