
Volunteer for Hurricane Relief Efforts Without Sounding Like a Dick About It Later: A Guide

MTanzer · 11/03/12 11:54AM

Everyone who has some free time this weekend should spend their hours volunteering. But after you do your great deeds, like donating food or clothes, you might be tempted to overshare about it. You will immediately want to run to the hilltops and scream, "Hey everybody, look how much good I did." Don't do this! You will lose all of the moral superiority that you just earned.

ConEd: Your Power's Back. ConEd: Psych, Still Out.

Robert Kessler · 11/02/12 03:45PM

Not long after Bloomberg's news conference this afternoon, during which he announced that ConEd could have power restored in most of Manhattan by midnight, did the cries of joy begin eruptnig across Twitter.

Max Read · 11/02/12 03:13PM

How I feel after working from home for an entire week.

Rich Juzwiak · 11/02/12 03:08PM

How I feel after working from home for an entire week. But then again, this is how I feel everyday.

Adrian Chen · 11/02/12 02:29PM

How I feel after working from home for an entire week. Watch all 10 hours of this and you'll get it.