Even as power slowly returns, Post-Sandy New York City remains a desperate snarl of lines for fuel and transportation. But we hear that just to the northeast lies a pristine land of plenty: Connecticut. Now we must ask: Is it time for New York to invade The Constitution State?

After soliciting horror stories from the New York City gas shortage earlier today, we received not one, but two emails from people bragging… er, informing us of Connecticut's vast petroleum reserves. There, fuel flows like the sap of sugar maples on a crisp New England night. Sweet, sweet gas.

First, Nicole writes:

I don't have any horror stories, just a tip. If you're in the city and you can get to CT, just come here. I work in Stamford, which is pretty close to the border and we've got power and gas here. As long as you're here less than 2 hours, you should be safe from turning into a Stepford Wife.

And Marie emails:

Hi, Gawker,

Not sure if this is helpful, but if people have enough gas to get to Connecticut, we fueled up in Fairfield yesterday without waiting on line. The price was around $4/gallon at the service area on 95.

Compare that to this dire scene from Jean in Ft. Greene, Brooklyn:

I'm fleeing New York for sunny Los Angeles - my apartment in battery park has been condemned and my company has an office in Los Angeles that I can work from.

On the route from my friends apartment in fort Greene to JFK, I counted 9 gas stations along the way. 7 were roped off an closed while the two that were open had lines as long as 6 or 7 blocks long each.

My towncar driver had to slow at one point and I could see a woman screaming at a man who had clearly tried to wedge his car in line in front of her.

Another driver intentionally blocked an intersection in order to ensure that they wouldn't lose their place in line, causing quite a commotion.

Both open stations had at least two or three police officers managing what was clearly a tense morning at the pumps.

My driver is Romanian and remarked to me how these gas lines remind him of communist-era Romania.

Obviously, we should head up to Connecticut and steal all their gas. Does anyone have any gas to get there?