One of the most frustrating parts of post-Sandy life has been the unendingly long lines for gas. Two arrests for violence at gas stations were made in Staten Island yesterday, and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano announced yesterday that gas rations would come into effect today, limiting gas sales to ten gallons per driver.

Enter our anonymous tipster who tells us that a "a certain blonde haired blow-hard who has an obsession with our current president" is using Yonkers gas to fill up a number of passenger vans for his reality show.

Hey guys,
I work for a reality show that is filming in NYC. I have become aware of a special favor that we are getting tonight that if people knew about, I think they'd be pretty pissed.
So the special favor we are getting, a gas station in Yonkers or New Rochelle is opening up and allowing us to fill up our gas deprived 15 passenger vans. As I've seen on the news Yonkers and New Ro have both been hit hard and I assume need as many gas stations as they can.
So if you see a caravan of 17 vans trucking up the westside highway around 10pm they're headed to get as that I'm sure the citizens of those cities could really use.
The show's star is a certain blonde haired blow-hard who has an obsession with our current president.
Please let people be aware that this is going on. Please keep my name out of this if you do go public because I currently work for the show and don't wanna be outed.
Keep fighting the good fight.

Our tipster has been contacted for more info and we'll update if we hear back from him.

[Image via AP]