
Thai School Is Very Sorry About Its Nazi Parade

Max Read · 09/28/11 09:04PM

The Sacred Heart School in Chiang Mai, Thailand recently had a "sports day," in which students divided up into teams named after different colors. Just like schools in the U.S.! Except that one of the teams at Sacred Heart also dressed up like Nazis.

Kanye West Knows Exactly What Hitler Felt Like

Brian Moylan · 08/08/11 11:24AM

Kanye West is running his mouth off again, this time showing some sympathy for the devil. J. Lo and Steven Tyler are fighting about money, Ashton Kutcher is a thief, and Lindsay Lohan finally met someone crazier than her. Monday's gossip is revisionist history.

Rudolf Hess Dug Up to Keep Out Pesky Neo-Nazi Pilgrims

Seth Abramovitch · 07/21/11 11:49PM

Hitler's right-hand brah Rudolf Hess was dug up, cremated, and scattered in a lake. Neo-Nazis have been flocking to his grave in Wunsiedel, Germany since his 1987 suicide. Mayor Karl-Willi Beck called the move "the right thing to do." [NYT]

The Nazi Sex Doll That Almost Was

Max Read · 07/11/11 08:45PM

People talk so much about the "fanatic genocidal fascism" aspect of Nazis that some of their other, less genocidal (but no less crazy!) ideas. Like the Nazi sex doll "designed to stop soldiers being laid low with syphilis"!

Making Lobbyists Wear Badges: The New Holocaust?

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 01:18PM

In an effort to tweak its ethics rules following a spate of corruption, the Massachusetts House is considering among other things a requirement that lobbyists wear ID badges in the statehouse if they're "seeking access to House members or staff." This doesn't seem controversial. Then again, maybe it's the Holocaust?

Time Whips Out the Ol' Red X For Bin Laden

Seth Abramovitch · 05/03/11 02:15AM

Time magazine may have grown increasingly neutered with their choices for Person of the Year, but when it comes to their Dead Mass-Murderer of the Week covers, forget about it — they're balls to the wall. The issue, on stands this Thursday, gives Osama bin Laden their trademark "Red X" treatment — previously used on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Saddam Hussein, and, most famously, Adolf Hitler. Collect them all!

Hitler 'Stache Graffiti Sparks Police Crackdown

Jeff Neumann · 04/27/11 04:11AM

Drawing Hitler moustaches on subway movie posters, yearbook pictures and images of Barack Obama is a time honored tradition in America. But in Britain, drawing one on a Conservative politician's campaign poster can turn a tiny, quiet hamlet into a police state. At least that's what happened to Pitcombe, Somerset, after one appeared on a likeness of Conservative councillor Mike Beech in the village and he called police to cry about it.

Adolf Hitler Shills for Sicilian Clothing Line

Jeff Neumann · 05/21/10 04:19AM

A Sicilian advertising agency rolled out 18-foot posters of Hitler in pink uniform across the capital city, Palermo, to promote a teen clothing line with the slogan: "Change Style—Don't Follow Your Leader." Some people are quite angry. [Telegraph]

You Can't Keep A Good Hitler Meme Down

Elaine Moran · 04/21/10 03:11PM

If you're familiar with the Internet, you've surely seen Hitler freakout parody videos using footage from the movie "Downfall." When YouTube removed all of these videos, the good people over at Urlesque made their own...of Hitler reacting to the news.