
Hillary Clinton, Butter-Grubbing Date From Hell

Ryan Tate · 07/07/08 04:35AM

Bill Clinton's labor secretary, Robert Reich, gave an interview for the Times magazine this weekend focused largely on economic and political issues. But he also recounted a college date he had with Hillary Clinton, apparently before she moved on from 4-foot-10 Reich to barbecue-fed, 6-foot-2 Bill. Reich, who publicly repudiated the Clintons starting in December, of course used his memory of the date as yet another chance to shiv the couple, by painting Hillary as a budget-busting glutton for grease:

Hated Flack Is Secret Hipster

Pareene · 06/25/08 04:45PM

So. We were just reminded of something else about Howard Wolfson, the Clinton communications manager who did not get along with the media. He's totally cool because he's into indie music! Seriously, he sends these playlists to his journalist "friends" (of which he has increasingly few!). The Observer mentioned his annual top-ten list of indie groups and added that "Mr. Wolfson says the darker driving hours are when he allots time to listen to music and to clear his head." Sad! He's probably driving around the beltway right now, doing the whole loop with Exile in Guyville on repeat. Does anyone have one of his playlists laying around?

Media Hated Hil's Flack

Pareene · 06/25/08 02:44PM

If you're running for office, you really want your communiciations director to be at least respected by the journalists it is his or her job to manage. Hillary Clinton's flack was the oft-sweatered Howard Wolfson, who, it turns out now, was universally reviled. We already told you about how Vogue's Julia Reed called Wolfson "the most charmless human being on the planet." But Reed was not the only one who announced her hatred for Wolfson after the campaign ended! The Economist, while often subtly snide, is rarely so openly hostile as they were in their recent obit for the Clinton campaign:

Hillary Clinton Rage Continues At Vogue

Ryan Tate · 06/25/08 03:25AM

Last fall, before she realized she would soon need every last scrap of sympathetic coverage she could get, Hillary Clinton ditched a Vogue interview and photo shoot because it might maker her look too elitist or feminine or something. Anna Wintour in January penned a bitchy editor's note about the incident. And now the poor writer who had to go through the excruciating, months-long process of setting up the damned interview is letting off some steam. Julia Reed is now free to tell how she really feels about Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson, and that's what she does today in Women's Wear Daily:

Hooker Hotel Brings Together Obama, Clinton

Ryan Tate · 06/18/08 02:03AM

Oh, hey, bitter Hillary Clinton supporters! The Barack Obama presidential campaign knows many of you are threatening to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain because supporting Obama would feel like swallowing insults to feminism and, I guess, the "popular vote" in the sham Florida and Michigan elections or whatever. To help you get over these irrational fears you are selling out, a triumphant Obama and a heavily-indebted Clinton would like to meet you personally, in Washington, at a hotel famous for bringing together powerful male politicians and desperate female whores. Bring your checkbook! Leave your uncomfortable analogies at home, please, kthxbai. [Daily News]

Why Tina Brown Sees Herself In Hillary

Nick Denton · 06/13/08 12:49PM

Hillary Clinton wasn't the only woman to suffer an unexpected setback in the Democratic primary. Her biographer, magazine publishing doyenne Tina Brown, is left without the inauguration that would have been such a compelling finale-and recompense for the discomforts of the campaign trail. But the former Vanity Fair editor claimed to the biddies on The View this morning that Hillary's defeat gave her story a more interesting "arc"-and there may be some truth to that. The fallen Queen of Buzz identifies with the former First Lady even more than one would imagine; and a bitter-sweet ending has a certain resonance, as you'll see.

Media Latest Entity To Ruin Everything For Hillary Clinton

Ryan Tate · 06/13/08 06:54AM

Did loutish talking heads on cable news networks ruin Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign with the magic of "sexism?" They couldn't destroy Barack Obama with incessant repeats of racially-inflammatory sermons from Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but this "sexism" is said to be extra strong. On the CBS Evening News the other night, Katie Couric pulled out her mystical "notebook" and read a fable about sexism in which a blonde lady has her career ambitions destroyed by sexist men in the television industry. Mistaking this for a story about Clinton, America promptly got very scared and upset, and the Times sent two reporters out to ask everyone in the media if sexism shouldn't be stopped with "outrage." Here's what they found:

Nick Kristof's Sexy Sex Speech

Pareene · 06/12/08 10:05AM

Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who is much better at heroically rescuing orphans from warzones than he is at writing a regular political column, has a very great and original idea. He thinks that Barack Obama, who is now the Democratic nominee for president, should write and deliver a speech about gender, much like he did about race, that one time. What a great and original suggestion! We loved the idea when some HuffPo lady suggested it back in April, when Slate ladies suggested it for Hillary in March, when Ellen Goodman suggested it in May, and we love it now. Unlike all those ladies who suggested it, though, Kristof has manly suggestions for a manly speech on gender issues.

Katie Couric Has Something To Say About "Hillary Clinton"

Pareene · 06/11/08 05:21PM

Fun game: take this Katie Couric comment on sexism toward Hillary Clinton and replace the Senator's name with the anchor's. Ha ha iron our shirts, Katie! Stop hosting the "news" and get back to humoring the wacky weather guy in the morning! Also it's all tremendously sad. Video below.

The Clintons' Media Enemies List

Ryan Tate · 06/11/08 03:20AM

Hillary and Bill Clinton keep — oh, sorry, their "aide" keeps — a big ole list of everyone who has done them wrong, including allies who are perceived to have defected to the Obama camp. Many of their supporters and associates also have lists of the "ingrates," "traitors" and "enemies" who wronged the former president and his wife. Are there any media people on this list? Are you kidding? They are "charter members," because if there is anyone Hillary and Bill hate, it is the press. (Chelsea too, probably.) Some names:

Clinton Post-Mortem Economics

cityfile · 06/09/08 05:24AM

Hillary spent a total of $212 million running for office and today the Daily News offers up suggestions on what she could have done with the money instead, like send 76,000 families of four to Disneyland in Calfornia or equip all 2,300 students at Wellesley, Hillary's alma mater, with a Porsche 911 Carrera. One item noticeably absent from the list? She could have covered eight hours of the war in Iraq! [NYDN]

Bill Clinton updates Facebook profile to say "It's complicated" with Hillary

Nicholas Carlson · 06/06/08 10:40AM

Minutes after New York Senator Hillary Clinton sent an email to her supporters ending her campaign, President Clinton changed his Facebook profile relationship status from "Married" to "It's Complicated." He also added that he was now looking for "friendship," "dating," and "a relationship." We're guessing Bill Clinton doesn't actually update his own Facebook page and that the changes were more likely a frustrated campaign supporter's way of venting. (Update: Or maybe a satirical blogger's.) Asked by a "reporter" about the change, campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson answered: "What can I tell you? It's complicated."

CNET hires (m)adman to blog about Obama's victory

Owen Thomas · 06/05/08 05:20PM

They'll let just about anyone blog these days, won't they? News.com's latest addition: recovering adman Chris Matyszczyk, who writes under the rubric "Technically Incorrect," and reminds me a bit of Dan Lyons's alter ego, Fake Steve Jobs — except that, having met Matyszczyk briefly, I think this is the real thing, not a put-on person. Matyszczyk's fantasy phone call between Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg is hilarious: Clinton blames Zuckerberg for her loss to Obama, and then hits the paper billionaire up for a donation. What's really funny: Matyszczyk is outsidery enough not to mention the fact that Zuckerberg's cofounder, Chris Hughes, left the social network early on to run Obama's Web campaign. Zuckerberg's posse really is at fault, and not in a metaphorical Facebook-generation way.

Pollster Declares End of Boomerism, Rise of the Machines

Pareene · 06/05/08 11:28AM

Pollster John Zogby is rarely wrong about anything, ever (except of course the 2004 election and the 2008 New Hampshire and California primaries, all of which he got 100% wrong), so we're forced to accept the claims in his most recent email blast as fait accompli. "Clinton's Defeat," it announces: "The End of Boomerism As We Know It." See, the baby-boomers are liberals who love social justice but they are also dangerously self-centered and egotistical, and also trapped in permanent adolescence. Thankfully, due to the disasters that are George W. Bush and the Clinton family, the biggest generation in American history will only get two presidents. Ha ha ha. As we said, Zogby is never wrong! Ignore Zogby at your peril! Zogby is good! Read more of his analysis below!

Fame-Seeking 'Assassination Artist' Succeeds In Making Power Structure Look Ridiculous

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/08 10:17AM

As predicted, Yazmany Arboleda—the publicity-seeking artist hastily shut down by the Secret Service yesterday for his exhibit about the "Assassination" of Barack and Hillary—made a clean sweep of the New York media. He is truly a master of his craft. The stories run the gamut, from the Post's throwaway one-off to the Sun's cautious warning that this whole art project might be a big hoax. And let's hope it is; it would be worthwhile comeuppance for the equally publicity-seeking New York Police Commissioner, who really should have had better things to be concerned about yesterday:

Hillary Clinton Drops Out In 2 AM Email

Ryan Tate · 06/05/08 01:52AM

Hillary Clinton tonight announced her impending, merciful departure from the endless Democratic primary she already lost. Instead of angrily demanding to be co-president with Barack Obama or whatever, as it seemed she might after her non-concession speech Tuesday, Clinton will on Saturday "extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy" during a thank-you event for her supporters, according to an email published on Wonkette. "I will be speaking... about how together we can rally the party behind Senator Obama." The email blitz is, of course, a bit of a "fuck you" end-run around the media, who Hillary has not trusted, ever. And it allowed her to delay this announcement until she could confirm Oscar De La Renta was available to put together a very special pantsuit. Full pre-concession email after the jump.