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As predicted, Yazmany Arboleda—the publicity-seeking artist hastily shut down by the Secret Service yesterday for his exhibit about the "Assassination" of Barack and Hillary—made a clean sweep of the New York media. He is truly a master of his craft. The stories run the gamut, from the Post's throwaway one-off to the Sun's cautious warning that this whole art project might be a big hoax. And let's hope it is; it would be worthwhile comeuppance for the equally publicity-seeking New York Police Commissioner, who really should have had better things to be concerned about yesterday:

Arboleda was questioned for an hour and publicly denounced by Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly before he was released. He was not charged with a crime. "It's my right as an artist to have that sign up," the defiant 27-year-old artist said after he was sprung...

Kelly called Arboleda's inflammatory art "totally inappropriate."

"This is all under investigation," Kelly said. "Obviously it could be interpreted as advocating harm. Our lawyers are researching it to determine if there are any violations of law."

Other things Kelly could have spent his time on yesterday: the big Mafia bust, the guy who died in the Bronx heroin raid, or the deputy NYPD chief who just got hit with illegal steroid charges.

Or, you know, pretend art.

[NYDN; pic via NYP]