Did loutish talking heads on cable news networks ruin Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign with the magic of "sexism?" They couldn't destroy Barack Obama with incessant repeats of racially-inflammatory sermons from Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but this "sexism" is said to be extra strong. On the CBS Evening News the other night, Katie Couric pulled out her mystical "notebook" and read a fable about sexism in which a blonde lady has her career ambitions destroyed by sexist men in the television industry. Mistaking this for a story about Clinton, America promptly got very scared and upset, and the Times sent two reporters out to ask everyone in the media if sexism shouldn't be stopped with "outrage." Here's what they found:

  • Phil Griffin, senior vice president of NBC News: Pleads innocent to "sexism."
  • Rem Rieder, editor of American Journalism Review: "She got some tough coverage at times, but she brought that on herself."
  • Nicholas Lemann, dean of Columbia j-school: "I have not had a lot of regretful conversations with high-ranking media types."
  • Candy Crowley, CNN reporter: "did not see a drumbeat of sexism in the daily reporting, 'but I certainly did see it in the commentary.'"
  • Howard Dean, Democratic Party chair, "not a regular viewer of cable television, is taking up the cause after hearing an outcry... Clinton 'got treated the way a lot of women got treated their whole lives.'"
  • Jeff Greenfield, CBS reporter: "People's perception of the press has been in line with what they wanted to happen politically."
  • Allida M. Black, founder of WomenCount PAC: "the media... robbed her of any shot she might have had."
  • Kim Gandy, National Organization for Women: "Michelle Obama will be the recipient of the same kind of attacks that Hillary was."
