
Romney Ad Uses Hillary Clinton's Words Against Obama

Louis Peitzman · 07/01/12 01:25PM

Remember when Hillary Clinton said, "Shame on you, Barack Obama"? Mitt Romney does. And he's making that the focal point of his "Shame On You" ad, which alleges that Obama spreads misinformation about Romney the same way he did about Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primaries.

Hillary Clinton Has a Girl Crush on Amelia Earhart

Caity Weaver · 03/22/12 12:22AM

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton totally geeked out at a State Department press conference Tuesday, at which researchers from The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) (rawr) announced their intention to return to Pacific waters in search of Amelia Earhart's downed airplane, which went missing 75 years ago.

A Visual History of White House Christmas Decorations

Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 05:15PM

Last night Michelle Obama unveiled this year's White House Christmas decorations and the first family lit the National Christmas Tree. It's no Rockefeller Center, but it's something! In honor of the holiday season taking over the country's most prestigious domicile here's a look at how 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, has looked over the years.

Hillary Clinton to Penetrate Myanmar Force Field

Seth Abramovitch · 11/18/11 03:58AM

President Obama announced from Bali on Friday that he's sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the human rights disaster zone known as Myanmar, aka Burma, saying, "After years of darkness we've seen flickers of progress." It will be the first such visit to the country, which has long isolated itself from diplomacy, in over 50 years.

'Communists' Throw Paint All Over Hillary Clinton's Convoy

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 01:59PM

Okay, it was fine when it was just the naked guy running around Hillary Clinton, but now what's this latest distraction for Hillary Clinton on her trip to the Pacific? Some "youthful, left-wing protesters" have sabotaged her convoy with red paint, in the Phillipines! Fortunately, everyone survived.

Half-Naked Torch-Wielding Man Delights Hillary Clinton

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 12:29PM

Oh man, why don't we all get to go to Hawaii right now! The Obamas and Hillary Clinton get to go to Hawaii, for a conference. What about the rest of us? Impeach them. Look at the fun they're having. Hillary Clinton and Donald Tsang, the "chief executive of Hong Kong," were posing for a Hawaii photo and who runs past but this guy in a loin cloth with his torch. Everyone laughs! He was probably late for his fire dancing job, the silly billy.

Hillary Clinton's Mother Is Dead

Jim Newell · 11/01/11 12:37PM

Hillary Clinton's 92-year-old mother, Dorothy Rodham, died late last night, surrounded by family. Rodham had been living in the Clintons' Washington home since 2006. Her illness prompted Secretary Clinton to postpone a trip to London, Istanbul and Afghanistan.

Gaddafi Son's Last Cigarette Caught on Video

John Cook · 10/21/11 03:56PM

Newly released video shows Mutassim Gaddafi, son of Muammar and former national security adviser in his father's regime, calmly smoking a cigarette shortly before his death.

Hillary Clinton Receives Gaddafi News from Pregnant Huma: 'Wow'

Maureen O'Connor · 10/20/11 01:17PM

Here's a twofer for Washington gossip types: video of Hillary Clinton reacting to an early report that Gaddafi had been captured, which she reads from a Blackberry while a heavily pregnant Huma Abedin hovers over her shoulder. Says the Secretary of State upon reading the news:

Clinton, Karzai Laugh at Herman Cain's Silly Talk

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 11:58AM

In another disturbing confirmation that, yes, the rest of the world is watching, Afghan President Hamid Karzai appears to have caught that clip of Herman Cain dismissing "insignificant" countries like "Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan" as things that aren't worth learning about. He even got Hillary Clinton to bring it up during their latest meeting, to share a laugh. "That wasn't right, but anyway, that's how politics are," Karzai empathized.

Dick Cheney, Fox News Troll Journalists, Liberals

Max Read · 09/04/11 02:20PM

Dick Cheney, fresh off the publication of his new chapbook of mystic poems inspired by the work of Duccio di Buoninsegna, appeared on Fox News Sunday today. What did he and host Chris Wallace do? Said stupid attention-grabbing things with almost no substance at all, such as, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Hillary Clinton would have been easier to work with than Barack Obama and also I am a horrible war criminal who shot an old man in the face."