
BFFs Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Say Giddy Goodbye on 60 Minutes

Max Read · 01/27/13 08:49PM

Tonight on 60 Minutes, with Steve Kroft playing Andy Cohen to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's Real Housewives, the president and the secretary of state had the reunion episode of their terrific show Barack Obama's First Term. And boy, were they complimentary of one another:

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.

What Meryl Streep and Hillary Clinton's BFF Selfie Photo (Probably) Looks Like

Max Read · 12/03/12 09:35AM

Last night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep did what any self-respecting pair of BFFs does when they're together at "the club" (in this case, the Kennedy Center Honors gala): they took a selfie. Unfortunately, we don't have access to Streep's iPhone, and will likely never see the original photo. But we can imagine what they might have done with it afterward, in the social image editor of their choice:

You Didn't Make Barbara Walters' List of Most Fascinating People of 2012

MTanzer · 11/20/12 09:32PM

Unless you're Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the twinks from One Direction, "Fifty Shades of Grey" author E.L. James, Olympian Gabby Douglas, musical idiot Seth MacFarlane, probable Oscar winner Ben Affleck, or perennially angry New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, you did not make Barbara Walters annual list of most fascinating people.

Hillary Clinton Just Wants to Take A Nap, Get Jacked, and Watch HGTV

MTanzer · 11/11/12 02:09PM

Now that President Obama has been reelected, we can focus on more important things like the 2016 presidential race. The big question on everyone's mind right now is whether or not Hillary Clinton will run in the next election. She told Obama a long time ago that she would not return to serve as Secretary of State in the President's second term. So what is a former first lady and Senator to do with a bunch of time off?

Here's a Very Cute Photo of Hillary Clinton Watching Bill's Speech

Max Read · 09/06/12 07:12AM

Secretaries of state don't traditionally attend political conventions, and anyway, she was in East Timor (9,963 miles away), but Hillary Clinton still didn't miss her husband's speech last night: she watched it (taped) around midnight eastern time in the Timorese ambassador's home. Aww. Aren't they cute, in a centrist-sellout, welfare-demolishing, drone-warring, Glass-Steagall-gutting kind of way?