
Jon Stewart Announces His Presidential Pick for 2016

Jay Hathaway · 01/06/15 10:15AM

The Daily Show is back, providing a palliative balm for the lingering itch where the Colbert Report used to be. But poor Jon Stewart has returned to 2015 only to find the news cycle has already moved on to 2016 (or backward to 1992) with a Clinton vs. Bush race for the White House. Better endorse someone!

Who's Afraid of Elizabeth Warren?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/14 01:13PM

A new poll shows populist (by American standards) darling Elizabeth Warren running at 10% in a hypothetical Democratic presidential primary, while Hillary Clinton stands at 65%. Still, the Clintons fear Elizabeth Warren. Why?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/14 01:25PM

Gaskillionaire Warren Buffett said today that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 presidential race, and that he'll "bet money on it." I'll take that bet, if someone can spot me a few bucks.

Terry Bradshaw Dislikes Hillary Clinton, Knows the Word "Benghazi"

Aleksander Chan · 06/18/14 08:39PM

Former NFL player and talking head Terry Bradshaw was on Fox News' women-driven Outnumbered today where he weighed in on Hillary Clinton's presidential prospects. Terry Bradshaw does not like Hillary Clinton. "I don't particularly like her. Never have," he said. "The only reason she's on Fox is because she's promoting books."

The Clintons Support Estate Taxes, Avoid Estate Taxes

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/14 10:24AM

America has treated the Clinton family pretty well. They've become millionaires many times over. But a new report says that even as they support policies to tax the estates of the extreme wealthy, they try to avoid those taxes on their own wealth.

The GOP Will Try to Entice You With This Shitshow of an Ad

Adam Weinstein · 06/16/14 04:55PM

Is it trying to get you to associate the Republican Party with SportsCenter? Hoping you'll fall for a lovable anti-Clinton mascot costume? Trying to court nut producers for donations? Who knows? The point is: Reince Priebus wanted it, and it's in HD, so watch the damn turd.

You'll Never Guess Hillary Clinton's Favorite Book

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/14 08:17AM

Some people like Hillary Clinton. Other people dislike Hillary Clinton. However you feel about Hillary Clinton, it is difficult to deny that she is one of the most cold and calculating political figures in all the land.

Conservatives Now Trying to Hate Hillary More Than They Hate Obama

Allie Jones · 06/10/14 01:40PM

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign — or book tour, whatever — kicked off this week with a Diane Sawyer interview and a Hard Choices signing at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. So now it's officially time for conservatives to give President Obama a break and start building their case against Clinton for 2016.

Drudge Depicts Hillary Clinton With Half-Naked Photoshop

J.K. Trotter · 05/15/14 11:50AM

It’s no secret that Internet headline generator Matt Drudge is obsessed, much like the rest of Washington’s press corps, with ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Her ambition, her hatred of the press, her age. It’s no secret, either, that Clinton is 66 years old. So why is Drudge depicting Clinton with a bizarre Photoshop of a 16th-century painting?

What Is Wrong With Karl Rove?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 12:35PM

Karl Rove is smart. A cynical master of dark arts, sure, but clever about it in a self-interested way that this current crop of inept kamikaze conservatives isn't. Which is why it's weird to watch him degenerate into another conspiracy whisperer. Has he had a serious health episode?

Adam Weinstein · 04/14/14 04:01PM

1) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton secures an agreement from Russia to buy $3.7 billion worth of Boeing aircraft. Boeing 2) donates $900,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation, and Boeing's top lobbyist 3) holds a fundraiser for Hillary's presidential super PAC. What a country!