The Daily Show is back, providing a palliative balm for the lingering itch where the Colbert Report used to be. But poor Jon Stewart has returned to 2015 only to find the news cycle has already moved on to 2016 (or backward to 1992) with a Clinton vs. Bush race for the White House. Better endorse someone!

After mocking the longshot candidates on both sides (and Dallas Cowboys superfan Chris Christie), Stewart considers Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. Bush was too quick to resign all of his current posts in preparation to get into the race, and Clinton refuses to announce she's running (she's running!), so the Daily Show's official endorsement falls to the only candidate left...

... Senator Melvin Dickpictweet.

As you can tell, Stewart is treating the race at this point with the appropriate seriousness and gravity, which is none.

[h/t HuffPo]