Chillary "Hillary" Clinton has been making the press salivate lately, with a slew of interviews in anticipation of Tuesday's release of her new memoir "Hard Choices." But the former secretary of state isn't giving in to pressure: she continues to say she'll announce if she's running for president when she feels ready.

The most recent interview to feature Clinton's immaculate waffling is with ABC's Diane Sawyer. In it, Clinton firmly communicates to the anchor that she'll be announcing when the time is right and when she's really made up her mind.

"I just want to get through this year, travel around the country, sign books, help in the midterm elections in the fall and then take a deep breath and kind of go through my pluses and minuses."

When asked for a timetable on Clinton's announcement, she remains elusive on the matter. She tells Sawyer, "I will be on the way to making a decision by the end of the year, yes." On the way to then make a decision. The announcement could come as late as 2015, she says.

Democrats are starting to get scared that Clinton's feet-dragging could put other potential candidates in a bad position, should she decide not to run.

Via the Associated Press:

Some Democrats privately worry that if Clinton holds off on making a decision and then opts against running, potential candidates like Vice President Joe Biden, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and several Democratic senators would be at a disadvantage against Republicans who have been actively pursuing the White House.

A new ABC News-Washington Post poll released Sunday reveals that, among registered voters, 69 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent favor Clinton for the party's nomination over seven other potential contenders.

But Clinton isn't concerned. She says in the interview with Sawyer that her husband also took his time.

"Bill Clinton started running for president officially in, like September or October of 1991. So, no, I just don't think that's a real concern. People will do what they think is best for them. . . . Whether they choose to seek the presidency or not is very personal, for everybody."

In the meantime, Clinton will continue her book tour (CNN: "or campaign tune up?") for "Hard Choices." The full interview with Diane Sawyer will air Monday evening, June 9 at 9 p.m.

[Image via AP]