After coming under public scrutiny for claiming that she and her husband Bill were "dead broke" after leaving the White House in 2001, Hillary Clinton told ABC News that she's donated the cash she received from speaking at various college engagements in the last year and a half to the Clinton Foundation.

Complaints by students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas are the likely cause of Clinton's latest defense of her wealth. After it was announced that Clinton would be promised $225,000 for speaking at the university's October fundraiser, many asked that she return the fee back to the foundation.

Via CNN:

Elias Benjelloun, the UNLV student body president, and Daniel Waqar, the student government's public relations director, told Nevada political reporter John Ralston that the speaking fee is "a bit outrageous."

"We'd like Secretary Clinton, respectfully, to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar told Ralston on Thursday.

According to the Associated Press, Clinton says that "the money had gone to the Clinton Foundation for what she called its 'life-changing and life-saving work.'"

It has also been reported that while both Hillary and Bill support estate taxes, they have been employing a number of strategies to avoid paying their own.

[Image via AP]