Carl Icahn, a billionaire who supports Donald Trump (and recently declined a position on his economic policy team), said this week that it was “mistake” to antagonize the Khan family. Asked on Thursday whether he agreed that he had made a mistake, Trump said, “You’ll have to define what ‘a mistake’ means.”

Trump requested the clarification—which was ultimately not forthcoming—in an interview on CNBC, during which he later said that President Barack Obama deserves the Islamic State’s Most Valuable Player award. Shockingly, Trump didn’t want to keep talking about the Khans. “I think that’s been very well talked about,” he said. “And that’s been put to bed a long time ago.”

The Republican nominee was also asked to elaborate on his barely-veiled references this week to Hillary Clinton’s possible assassination. “On the Second Amendment, everybody came to my defense because there was nothing said wrong,” Trump said. “Only the haters tried to grab onto that one. And it was very unsuccessful.”

Trump has admitted to at least two mistakes in the course of this campaign: Most recently, he conceded that B-roll footage of an airplane landing in Switzerland bearing hostages held by Iran was not in fact secret surveillance video leaked by the Iranian government.