
Bloggers: Higher Learning's Saviors, or Destroyers?

Andrew Belonsky · 10/02/09 01:36AM

MIT's student bloggers are grade-A. They write about everything. And the school loves them for it. But not all of America's schools are so keen on handing over the virtual reins. They should, though, because this internet thing's wild.

College Kids Maintaining, Bro

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/09 02:22PM

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs—the most popular journal—found that the binge-drinking and unprotected sex habits of students at America's drunkest colleges has barely changed since the early 90s. So what's the problem, right? High-five. [JSAD]

College: Waste of Time

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/09 10:25AM

Just like my high school history teacher told us, skipping college and getting a damn job instead is the smartest economic thing you could possibly do. Someone has proven it, using mathematics!

Stumbling on Lost Cash Now America's #1 Employment Hope

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/09 12:06PM

The Way We Live Now: Waiting for that last big score. The government won't let us stop working. The economy won't let us start working. We just go to college and dream of finding a box full of cash.

NYU to Poors: Go Away

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/09 09:17AM

Did you know that it costs $54,000 to go to NYU for one year and learn how to be a failed revolutionary? Because of this, the school is "encouraging" poors to go fuck themselves.

Monster Rats Pouring Out of Harvard

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/09 04:36PM

Are you aware that rats "big enough to put saddles on" are currently streaming out of Harvard University's secret underground science experiment cave, in record numbers? We thought you should know.

America Makes Do

Hamilton Nolan · 04/23/09 11:40AM

The Way We Live Now: Very, very still. Americans have stopped moving. Colleges are liquidating everything except their students. Ebay is the new luxury!