
America's Most Expensive College: The Unconvincing Explanation

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/11 11:45AM

Sarah Lawrence is America's most expensive college. It'll cost you a cool $59,000 to send your whelp there to sit shoeless on a grass lawn, becoming a lesbian. Why so pricey? The school's president has all sorts of dubious explanations.

Professor Wins Fame with Innovative 'Strippers in Class' Method

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/11 09:01AM

We must beg your apologies for a brief delay in bringing you the very latest news in College Professor In-Class Sex Demonstration Scandals, but we think you'll be pleased with the most recent developments in the field. Jack Rappaport, an assistant professor of management at La Salle University in Philly, has been suspended while the school investigates allegations that he hired strippers to give lap dances at a $150 extra-credit symposium on "the application of Platonic and Hegelian ethics to business." What?

Philosophy Departments Are Full of Sexual Harassment

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/11 10:52AM

Philosophy! Not only are just about all of us ignorant of the field's meaning, teachings, and history—we're also ignorant of its gossip. That ends today, lucky philosophites! Everyone's talking about Philosophy Department sexual harassment.

Hot Lesbian Teachers Want $2 Million For Being Called Hot Lesbian Teachers

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 05:40PM

Cindy Mauro and Alini Brito, the two Brooklyn high school teachers who were fired after a janitor allegedly caught them in flagrante delicto (lesbian edition) right in a classroom, are suing the City of New York for $2 million. Their reputations have now been ruined, as people think they are sexxxy lesbians! When in fact, they say, Mauro was "simply
tending to Brito's needs by giving her candy and sugar," hahahahaha. True quote (of the year)!

College Cuts Price

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/11 11:09AM

Breaking newsworthy news story: a college, in America, will not charge as much this year as it did last year. That's right: Sewanee, the University of the South, in Tennessee, will cost 10% less this year than the $46,000 it cost last year. This moderate price cut at an otherwise unremarkable regional college earned stories in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.

Crappy State Schools Will Soon Be Unaffordable, Crappier

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/11 02:56PM

A sunny reenactment of recent trends in American higher education: due to the recession, enrollment rises. Due to the recession, state funding was down. Federal stimulus funds provide momentary rescue! And now: federal funds end. States are still broke. Urgh.

The Case of the Christian Astronomer

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/11 12:12PM

Martin Gaskell is an astronomer who studies quasars. He's also a Christian who questions evolution. The University of Kentucky decided not to hire him at least partly because of his religious views. Now Gaskell's won a settlement over it. Good.

Why Are All Our College Kids Going Crazy?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 11:54AM

Over the past decade, the percentage of college students visiting school counseling centers who are "coping with serious mental illness" has more than doubled. What's happening here? Better legal psychiatric drugs? Worse illegal hallucinogenic drugs? Psht. We blame Wal-Mart.