
Allie Jones · 12/01/15 10:35AM

Imagine a world in which Emma Watson didn’t say “feminism” during her iconic U.N. speech. Damn. I can’t.

Wow—You Like the Mets? Wow. 

Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/15 10:45AM

Wow—you like the Mets? Okay—congrats. A thousand apologies for my failure to immediately fall to my knees and worship your great moral courage.

That's a Very Good Dog 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/09/15 07:20PM

Figo—a very good dog (who’s a very good dog—YOU ARE! YOU ARE! FIIIIGOOOO)—threw himself in front of a bus this weekend to save his blind owner from almost certain death. Imagine being loved that much??