
Is Your Office Cold in the Summertime? That's Crazy!

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/12 11:16AM

Here in Gawker Media "HQ," the temperature, in the summertime, stays at approximately 43 degrees Fahrenheit (estimated), due to the wonders of air conditioning, necessitating the wearing of winter clothes inside the office during the most sweltering season of the year. Now—in a classic example of the mainstream media turning a minor everyday nuisance into something I can write a blog post about (thank god)—the Washington Post reports that office workers in DC are also very cold in the summer, because of the air conditioning. Coincidence—or trend????

America Is Super Hot

Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 06:10PM

A government climate report released yesterday confirms what we all guessed when we spent St. Patrick's Day sunning in our bikinis. Earth's hottest new club is America.

Comments of the Day: It's Hot!

Richard Lawson · 07/22/11 06:55PM

Today it is very hot. It is so very hot. It's just hot, y'know? Hot. How hot? Pretty hot, say our commenters. And everyone else. But here, just the commenters.

Record-Setting Heat in New York

Maureen O'Connor · 07/22/11 01:08PM

Central Park set an all-time heat record today: 102 degrees. Newark also set an all-time heat record: 104 degrees. Show offs. [City Room]

This Is the Heat Wave Sweeping America

Matt Cherette · 07/22/11 12:26AM

While many central and southern states have been dealing with scorching temperatures for days now, it wasn't until this week that the heat wave began spreading east and enveloped the entire country. So just how much of the country is suffering from the sweltering heat? Check out the time-lapse animation from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to find out—and turn up the A/C while you're at it! [via Fark]

New York's Best 'Damn, It's Hot' Photos

Brian Moylan · 07/21/11 04:04PM

Whenever the thermometer creeps north of 90 degrees in NYC, you can be sure an intrepid wire photographer is going to head out and start snapping pictures of kids playing in fountains and people lounging in their underwear on park benches. Since it's so damn hot, here are some of the best "damn, it's hot" photos we could find.

How to Beat the Heat

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 05:10PM

It was ninety-something degrees in NYC today. Anthony Weiner's penis has been dominating the news for 24 hours now. Hotness besieges us on all sides! Need to beat that heat? Let's beat it together—with this handy list!

It's Not That Hot

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/10 01:43PM

"Wahh, I live in a Northeastern city and am unaccustomed to weather suitable for human life. Therefore I will complain about this alleged 'heat wave' we've been having." That's what I hear all the time. Hey: it's not that hot.

The New York Times and the Great Egg Fry Scandal

Richard Lawson · 07/07/10 09:44AM

Hot town, summer in the city! As the mercury rises so does tension and desperation. Hungry for a story, the New York Times dispatched a reporter to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Fun, right? No! Blogs are crying foul.

No Blackout...So Far

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/10 04:04PM

Here is some unequivocally good news: The AP reports that New York's power grid is holding up "...So Far." Direct quote! Plus, "electricity demand typically jumps between 5 and 6 o'clock." That's, let's see...now! Everything's fine...so far. [Pic via]

Slow News Day Stories: It's Hot

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/10 08:54AM

Sunday was the 4th of July. Everyone was either off work yesterday, or at work doing nothing. Today, therefore, is one of the slowest news days of the entire year. Luckily for our city's beleaguered journalists: it's hot!