Sunday was the 4th of July. Everyone was either off work yesterday, or at work doing nothing. Today, therefore, is one of the slowest news days of the entire year. Luckily for our city's beleaguered journalists: it's hot!

The New York Times: On a 99-Degree Day, Cooling Off by Any Means Available

Mr. Tavarez, 22, of Downtown Brooklyn, wore a wet towel draped over his head and grinned when asked if he kept himself well hydrated. "I just drink a lot of Red Bull," he said. "It keeps me up because this heat gets me tired."

The New York Daily News: Records could melt as triple-digit temperatures are set to hit New York City today (Three bylines!)

"Imagine baking inside an oven that is on high at 450 degrees," said Johel Placencia, 37, describing his bike ride through Central Park.

New York Post: Scorch of July (Also three bylines!)

"The last time we broke a hundred [degrees] in New York City was 101 degrees in August 2001. It's not out of the realm of possibility [today]," Mussoline said.

"If you want to cool off, go down to Florida," he quipped. "It'll actually be cooler there."

Newsday: Rip currents, more heat and humidity on tap for Tuesday

Go on, say it, sing it, grin and bear it: We're havin' a heat wave.

[Subscribe to Newsday to read the exciting conclusion!]

The Wall Street Journal: Heat Wave

(It's just a bunch of news service photos. Too hot even to write!)

The Staten Island Advance: Blistering heat bakes Staten Island (Local angle!)

"We're out at a restaurant now that has air conditioning," said Kitty Masi said, speaking on her cell phone from Lento's on New Dorp Lane.

Just hang on another day or two, journalists. With any luck, blackouts and looting are on the way.

[Pic: AP]