Whenever the thermometer creeps north of 90 degrees in NYC, you can be sure an intrepid wire photographer is going to head out and start snapping pictures of kids playing in fountains and people lounging in their underwear on park benches. Since it's so damn hot, here are some of the best "damn, it's hot" photos we could find.

James Walker Park is the home to the craziest damn water fountain we ever did see.

[Image via Getty]

The best part of this photo isn't the hot girl in the bikini. No, it's the leather-faced lech leering at her in the background.

[Image via Getty]

Quick, someone get to Bryant Park and check his pulse.

[Image via Getty]

This is what the High Line was built for: attractive young people doing absolutely nothing.

[Image via Getty]

Yes, they have kids in fountains in the Bronx too.

[Image via Getty]

This photo makes me think of Creamsicles for some reason.

[Image via Getty]

Sorry, but I just have to make a "sweating like a pig" joke. I just have to.

[Image via AP]

Next summer Mad Maxine: Beyond Thunderdome will be in a theater near you.

[Image via Getty]

He better be calling me!

[Image via Getty]

Everything was cooler in Central Park in the '60s.

[Image via Getty]