
This Week In Depressing Polls

Pareene · 08/19/09 03:32PM

When there aren't elections going on, the only thing pollsters can poll is "how fucking nuts is everyone, anyway?" Hey, look, a new Birthers poll!

Today In Good Faith Negotiations

Pareene · 08/19/09 09:05AM

Republicans will not support a "co-op" compromise. Republicans will not support health care reform that does anything. So let's all make sure to keep them involved in the process! [TWI]

Town Hall Crazies Go Through the Ideological Rabbit Hole

John Cook · 08/18/09 04:18PM

Unalloyed xenophobic rage presents a challenge similar to one posed by habitual lying—just as it's hard to keep up with one's own falsehoods, it's difficult to remember whether shouting "Heil Hitler!" at a Jew is good or bad.

Betsy McCaughey, Liar

Pareene · 08/14/09 02:22PM

Betsy McCaughey is a professional liar. She lies. The things she writes are untrue. They are not even "distortions." They are made-up. Everyone has known this for years and yet she was still allowed to derail the nation this month.

CNBC Asks Teabaggers to Provide a Riot

Pareene · 08/12/09 02:15PM

"Tea Party Patriots" National Coordinator Jenny Beth Martin got a friendly little "media request" from CNBC: could you crazies maybe go crazy up a town hall somewhere? Sure, a 'Bagger says: how bout the guy who got the swastika?

Your Next Health Care Town Hall Viral Video

Pareene · 08/12/09 01:33PM

To be sure: Sheila Jackson Lee represents inner-city Houston, Texas. Her district is 40% black and 36% Hispanic. (Jackson Lee's last Republican opponent, coincidentally, received 20% of the vote.) This woman questioning her has never and will never vote for Jackson Lee, and if her story of being an unemployed, divorcing cancer survivor without insurance is correct, she would be directly and immensely helped by any of the health care reform bills currently sitting in the House, whereas in our current American system, her lack of employment and her preexisting condition mean she is most likely fucked.