Crazy Woman Repeating Republican Talking Point Was Not Technically a Republican

The woman Barney Frank yelled at was, it turns out, a Lyndon LaRouche cultist. This means you can't criticize Republicans for fear-mongering and outrageously inappropriate demagoguery!
See, whereas longtime conspiracy theorist and cult-leading gadfly of the Democratic party Lyndon LaRouche opposes Barack Obama and his health care plan because he fears it is a smokescreen for a fascist/Nazi takeover of America that will lead to mass euthanasia of the elderly and infirm, as heralded by the "enemies list" Obama's evil minions set up, real-life conservatives and Republicans oppose health care reform because they fear Nazi-style eugenics and mass euthanasia of the elderly and infirm, as heralded by the "enemies list" Obama's evil minions set up.
So you can see how LaRouche is not in any way indicative of the conservative movement's honorable and fair response to Obama, except in that they've borrowed most of his rhetoric and a couple of his conspiracy theories.
But Republicans are totally proud of the folks they are filling full of lies and telling to go out and disrupt town halls protests, because they represent real Americans, until some of them turn out to be a little wacko, and in that case they are outliers that you must not pay attention to because that would be smearing real Americans.