
Uninsured Conservative Activist Solicits Donations to Pay Medical Bills Incurred While Protesting Health Care Reform

Pareene · 08/10/09 12:20PM

As you can see in this confusing and poorly shot amateur video, Gladney was brutally beaten by goons and required immediate medical care (he is the guy who is briefly knocked over 6 seconds into the video and who is then shown up and running around and acting pretty much fine for the remaining 3 minutes). He got a lawyer and went to the hospital. (Maybe even in that order!)

All Drudge Reads Anymore Is the Headline

John Cook · 06/19/09 12:50PM

Matt Drudge linking to a story about Obama's personal doctor criticizing his healthcare plan, which is funny and fits perfectly into the right-wing anti-Obama narrative of the terrors of "socialized medicine." Except Obama's doctor actually wants socialized medicine. Whatever.

Two Questions From a Reader

Pareene · 04/27/09 09:17AM

"Can you help? 1) What the h*ll is reconciliation and why does it work for health care but not anything else obama wants to pass?