
Jim Dolan Singlehandedly Destroys NYC's Middle Class

Jesse · 06/22/06 11:00AM

But isn't the bigger problem that the city's middle class was already so small one guy's dismissal makes a difference? (And since when an eight-figure NBA coach considered middle class, anyway?)

CNN Covers All the Gay News

Jesse · 06/21/06 02:10PM

In fairness to the daycare center, they only got freaked out when Andrew Sullivan couldn't provide a good reason for his visit.

TimesSelect Gives Unique Insight You Can't Find Anywhere Else

Jesse · 06/08/06 09:20AM

Who the... what the... how the... huh?! The real test of whether Democrats can take back Congress will come when there are actually elections for Congress, in November?! Christ, really? See, with members-only wisdom like that, no wonder TimesSelect is a success.

As Goes Bill Weld, So Goes the Rest of the Republicans?

Jesse · 06/08/06 09:04AM

Sigh. Wouldn't it be nice if the national Republicans were as incompetent as the New York party? Or, rather, wouldn't it be nice if the national Republicans had been this incompetent before they were elected?

Wait, Now Anderson Is Proud of It?

Jesse · 05/31/06 10:02AM

Oh, of his gray distinction. Sometimes you're reminded why it's important to read your Google News Alerts very, very carefully.

Breaking: Enron Villains Are Villainous

Jesse · 05/25/06 01:25PM

The emails trickling in suggest there's a feeling that we ought to say something about the guilty verdicts just handed down against Enron's Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay and Jeff Skilling. So, um: Yay?

The 'Times' Dances Like Nobody's Watching

Jessica · 05/24/06 09:18AM

Quarantined from society in upstate New York, former Page Six-er Jared Paul Stern has taken up obsessive emailing, knitting, and, of course, blogging (so maybe we had something to do with that one). If you can ignore the usual Stern propaganda, he does take a discerning eye to the Times and notices that the Gray Lady sure does love to delicately dance:

Hillary Clinton's Lethal Injection Playlist

Jessica · 05/22/06 02:20PM

16 on Death Row, Tupac
Don't Fear the Reaper, Blue Oyster Cult
18 and Life, Skid Row
Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash
Going Down to Die, Danzig
Stranded on Death Row, Dr. Dre