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Quarantined from society in upstate New York, former Page Six-er Jared Paul Stern has taken up obsessive emailing, knitting, and, of course, blogging (so maybe we had something to do with that one). If you can ignore the usual Stern propaganda, he does take a discerning eye to the Times and notices that the Gray Lady sure does love to delicately dance:

For Clintons, Delicate Dance Of Married and Public Lives

Delicate Dance for Bush in Depicting Spy Program as Asset

For Muslim Women, Marriage's Delicate Dance

Delicate Dance For Musharraf In Nuclear Case

Gadgets as Gifts: A Delicate Dance

A Delicate Dance of the Interventionist and the Reluctant Internationalist 10/12/2000

The Long, Delicate Dance With Chinese Leaders

Delicate Dance-ing With the 'Times' [Night & Day]