
Fraternities and Sororities: Still Hazing!

Jordan Sargent · 01/27/16 05:50PM

If you happened to think America’s soul-searching regarding the traditions of the Greek system had in any way curbed the drinking and hazing habits of the fine youngsters inhabiting our fraternities and sororities, well: It hasn’t.

Report: Dartmouth Frat Suspended Over Frat Brother’s Infected Ass

J.K. Trotter · 03/24/15 05:30PM

Dartmouth College, an Ivy League school famous for its bizarrely powerful Greek system, is having a pretty tough year. Today it gets even worse. Dartmouth has confirmed to Gawker that it extended the suspension of one of its most notorious fraternities, Alpha Delta, over allegations of branding—that is, pressing a piece of hot metal into a fraternity pledge’s skin. If that sounds unpleasant, you might want to prepare yourself for the rumored details of what exactly transpired.

College Investigating Sorority Sisters Who "Bullied" Miss Montana

Allie Jones · 09/08/14 01:10PM

Minnesota State University Moorhead administrators are investigating a pageant queen's claims that her sorority sisters "bullied" her out of her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. Miss Montana 2013 Sheridan Tihista says the harassment came "out of the blue." Her sisters say she called them "dishwashers."

Cord Jefferson · 07/24/13 07:46PM

If you thought frat hazing was scary before, just wait until you read about "FratPAC," the fraternity industry group that lobbies against anti-hazing legislation.

All Apologies: I Was a Lowdown Prep School Hazer

Drew Magary · 02/15/12 02:15PM

We gave Big Fun the nickname "Big Fun" because we were in the common room watching Heathers one time and Martha Dumptruck showed up with a T-shirt that said BIG FUN on it. Someone turned to Big Fun and said, "That's you, you fatass. You're Big Fun."