A number of players from the University of New Mexico's women's soccer team have alleged that they were brutally hazed by senior members of the team on Sunday night. The hazing allegedly involved being forced to drink heavily, strip naked, and have urine splashed on them.

Albuquerque news outlet KOB 4 reports that one player ended up in the hospital on Sunday night and that 911 had been called to report the alleged hazing.

Via KOB 4:

For UNM sports fans, the information was difficult to stomach.

Lobo freshman volleyball player Keaton Alley told KOB the women's soccer team "seems like a really close-knit team". She said she and her teammates heard about the allegations, but they didn't seem possible.

"I know a lot of the soccer girls, and I'm surprised that any of them would even do that to someone," another UNM student said.

According to the report, at least one player has retained a lawyer.

New Mexico is one of six states that have no laws that prohibit hazing. The UNM women's soccer team has a game in Texas this coming weekend but a spokesperson for the team has not announced if the team will play.

[Image via GoLobos.com]