Delta Sigma Phi brothers at the University of Georgia could face criminal charges after they allegedly forced pledges into trash cans full of freezing water and made them recite fraternity history. UGA police chief Jimmy Williamson said yesterday, "We feel the events definitely put people at risk."

Cops got a tip about the alleged hazing incident that happened on September 26. Since then, they've tried to interview Delta Sigs about the incident, but most won't cooperate. Per the Athens Banner-Herald:

UGA police interviewed the pledges as well as some fraternity officers, or at least tried. "Most people are not willing to discuss it with the police department," Williamson said.

One of the pledges had visible injuries, but said they were sustained in a fall, the police chief said. Other pledges told police that they had been made to get into a trash can filled with ice water and recite fraternity history. The quicker they recited the history, the sooner they could get out of the water.

Total Frat Move picked up the story this morning and suggested that one of the pledges "told his mom" about the alleged hazing:

You may be wondering how the authorities were tipped off about this incident. In fact, some of you may have guessed. A pledge told his mom. Yeah, I know. Fucking pledges. He told his mom, his mom told the school, and you know how it went from there.

Yeah, fucking pledges. UGA has suspended the frat while cops continue to investigate.

[Photo via Facebook]