
British People Wearing Bonkers Headgear: An Explanation of Ladies Day

Maggie Lange · 06/20/13 03:12PM

Today marked an annual ceremony called Ladies Day, when Royalty and their hangers-on gather to ostensibly attend a horse race in the small town of Ascot in England. The exclusive Royal Enclosure also requires attendees to adhere to particular fashion requirements, which prompt the question: Dear England, what the fuck is on your head?

All the Crazy Hats from the Royal Ascot Races

Brian Moylan · 06/14/11 01:43PM

England is famous for three things: messed up teeth, Marmite, and insane hats. Their outrageous chapeaux are really hot right now, thanks to all the ones on display at the Royal Wedding, and there's no better place to get your fascinator fix than at opening day at the Royal Ascot Racetrack. Shall we take a look?

Johnny Depp Has Too Many Hats

Richard Lawson · 05/18/11 12:53PM

Scandalous news comes today that Johnny Depp, world-renowned Hat Person of the Year, has too many hats. It seems the National Enquirer (so here's your grain of salt) is reporting that Depp's long-time lover Vanessa Paradis has ordered him to get rid of some of the many, many hats he owns. There are too many hats!

Princess Beatrice's Royal Wedding Hat: Birth of a Meme

Adrian Chen · 04/29/11 02:16PM

On this day Prince William and Kate Middleton were married. And also something like a dozen memes were born. The grumpy flower girl is cute, but the hat worn by Princess Beatrice is our favorite. Princess Beatrice's hat has a tumblr, something like 14 Facebook fan pages with thousands of fans, and has set off a Photoshop frenzy.

Why You Should Never Glue a Hat to Your Head

Max Read · 03/28/11 10:22PM

For the life of us, we can't figure out why Shawn Murtagh wants to unstick the miniature bowler hat he has Super Glued to his scalp, but he does, and isn't he lucky he lives in the United Kingdom where he is guaranteed free health care, even for silly afflictions. [The Hairpin]

Cat Voluntarily Puts On Rabbit Costume

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 04:00PM

We approach this cat lounging, window-side, on it's chair. The cat somehow takes this as a cue to put on the rabbit costume / hat that has been designated to him. Ta-da! He hates us all.

The Mad Hat

Adrian Chen · 06/20/10 05:17PM

[What the hell is on top of Pamela Anderon's head as she leaves the Les Ambassadeurs Club casino in London.] (Pic Bauer-Grifin)

How To Make Beer Hats

David Matthews · 12/17/09 11:30AM

This video is aimed towards that elusive niche market of party animals, those not into the novelty of a plastic hat who watch a lot of MacGuyver with a knowing grin on their mug.

Wilson To Ronson: 'You're Doing It Wrong!'

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/24/08 06:30PM

At LAX today, Anaconda star Owen Wilson wanted to show the fedora wearing community the proper way to use the latest fashion accessory: block your face from unnecessary exposure and photographs. Wilson felt that hat fanatic Samantha Ronson had been wearing her fedora improperly as of late. Wilson added, "Sometimes, you don't feel like having your picture taken and that's where the hat comes in. Throw it over your face and just carry on with your life." Wilson suggested that if Ronson was having issues with her hair then she should do what he does. Namely, either wear or carry an additional hat all the time. Wilson did say that the hat wasn't actually his; it belonged to his good pal, Woody Harrelson. Wilson said that the hat had a funny smell to it and wasn't sure if he would be able to get it through customs.

Get It Together, Linds! Sam Wears Hats In The Relationship

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/23/08 05:35PM

Before heading out on an adventure, headgear aficionado Samanatha Ronson asked gal pal Lindsay Lohan if she could leave the tophat she was wearing in their hotel room. Ronson said, "Don't try to steal my look, okay? I mean, how would you like it if I were to started to wear leggings?" Lohan said that she'd love it if Ronson started to wear leggings. Ronson smiled, but asked again if Lohan could take off the hat since it's her thing and it's a symbol of her individual freedom.