"I've always worn hats, many hats, too many hats at times," Mick Fleetwood writes in an op-ed entitled "A Love of Hats" published in the U.K.'s Sunday Express.

"Did you know they make great coin collectors for busking?" he asks, admitting that he himself is "a collector of hats."

In the column, Fleetwood identifies his favorite contemporary wearer of hats:

There are plenty of good hat wearers today but the guy I love the most at the moment is Pharrell Williams and his awesome hats.

I love even more the message of Happy.

That video going viral is a great example of the power of the internet to connect people world-over through music in a way that is both subversive and sublime.

Gotta love those "feelgood" songs!

Many years ago when I was short of a few bob and not "feeling so good" I was persuaded to visit a fortune teller.

Fleetwood, the drummer for and a founder of the 20th century's greatest band, Fleetwood Mac, has written about fashion before in his semi-regular Express column. "It's not exactly breaking news, my many dalliances with addiction in my life," he wrote in March, "but one hasn't been well-documented, and that's my absolute love of fashion." Fleetwood maintains a website at http://www.mickfleetwood.com.