
Gay Couple Violently Attacked by Knicks Fans in Broad Daylight

Maggie Lange · 05/07/13 04:36PM

A New York couple reported that they were the victims of a hate crime Sunday afternoon, when they were assaulted in Madison Square Garden by a group of attackers dressed in Knicks gear. Nick Porto and his partner Kevin Atkins were reportedly walking arm-in-arm on Eighth Avenue by 34th Street around 5 P.M. when they were allegedly surrounded by four men and physically and verbally assaulted.

Armed Hate Crime Victim Decides Not to Shoot Attacker

Jordan Sargent · 01/05/13 06:48PM

Earlier this week, a 24-year-old Tampa-area resident named Cameron Mohammed was walking with his girlfriend into Walmart at around 3 a.m. when the two were approached from behind by a 25-year-old named Daniel Quinnell. Quinnell allegedly yelled racial epithets at the two, then fired 20 shots at Mohammed with a pellet gun — pictured above — striking him multiple times in the head and neck. Mohammed was armed, too — but with a real .45 caliber pistol. He chose not to shoot.

Gay Man in Texas Viciously Attacked

Brian Moylan · 11/01/11 01:16PM

Burke Burnett, who is 26 and openly gay, went to a party in Reno, Texas with some gay friends on Sunday, but left after some guests weren't so keen on having gay people around. When he returned with a girlfriend (you know, a friend who is a girl) later that night, he was viciously attacked.

Man in Scotland Dies After Being Beaten and Burned

Lauri Apple · 10/24/11 07:28AM

Scottish authorities have launched a murder investigation into the death of Stuart Walker, a 28-year-old man who was brutally beaten, burned, then tied to a streetlight left by a roadside early Saturday morning in the town of Cumnock. A police department spokeswoman told The Scotsman that Walker probably did not die from his burns, but reports suggest that he may have been burned while still alive. Walker was gay, which has prompted questions about whether his murder was a hate crime. Police told BBC that "there was nothing to suggest" it was a homophobic attack, though they haven't ruled out the possibility. Update: Earlier reports that Walker had been found tied to a lamppost are incorrect, police say.

Did an A-List: Dallas Star Fake His Own Gay-On-Gay Hate Crime?

Seth Abramovitch · 10/11/11 12:39AM

Tonight marks the premiere of The A-List: Dallas, the second installment in Logo's ongoing investigation into the shopping habits, eating disorders and testicular size discrepancies of the 10 percent of the 1 percent who make up America's homosexual elite. And already it's tinged with sssssscandale!

Confused Walmart Spitter Charged With Hate Crime

Lauri Apple · 05/28/11 10:34AM

In sunny Palm Bay, Florida, prosecutors have charged Walmart shopper Nuha Mohammed Al-Doaifi with a hate crime after she allegedly admitted to cops that she spat on several fellow bargain hunters because "Americans are pushing us around." Even worse: a judge has barred her from shopping at Walmart while her charges are pending.