Burke Burnett, who is 26 and openly gay, went to a party in Reno, Texas with some gay friends on Sunday, but left after some guests weren't so keen on having gay people around. When he returned with a girlfriend (you know, a friend who is a girl) later that night, he was viciously attacked.

Burnett says that he was punched in the face, stabbed in the back and arm with a broken beer bottle, and thrown onto a fire, and he now has a host of stitches and second degree burns on parts of his body. Burnett says he knew at least one of the attackers, who grew up with him in Reno, and police are investigating the attack but no arrests have been made as of yet. It's sad that you still can't even go to a party and not be safe. Let's hope Texas learns a lesson about what happens when it messes with gay people.

[Dallas Voice]