
When the Donald Trump Facebook Superweapon Targets You

Sam Biddle · 04/14/16 09:30AM

As of this Thursday morning, there were 112,096 members of “Donald Trump For President 2016!!!!!!,” a Facebook group that functions as a forum for white grief and racially charged meme pics. You’d better hope they don’t ever find a reason to dislike you, because they will make your life very shitty very fast—which is exactly what happened to anti-Trump activists and college students Diana Chavira and Ben Bobo.

Claiming "Mixed Signals" Is a Great Rape Defense, Says Military Times

Adam Weinstein · 05/22/14 10:49AM

The United States armed forces have a sexual assault problem. As in: How does a service member avoid sexual assault charges? Fortunately, Military Times' legal advice columnist has you covered: If you can claim you got mixed signals, you can beat the rap.

People Might Like Gun Nuts More if They Weren't Such Dicks to Women

Adam Weinstein · 05/15/14 09:20AM

They call you a "stupid bitch" and "motherfucking whore" and "thugs with jugs." They stoop down to your wheelchair to spit in your face. They stalk you and ambush you in the dark outside your home. If you're a woman and you think guns should maybe be regulated a bit more, this is what you get.

Michael Bloomberg Says He Never Told a Guy to Check Out a Lady's Ass (But He Totally Did)

Cord Jefferson · 01/31/13 06:04PM

Earlier this week we told you about a New York magazine article in which Mayor Michael Bloomberg is quoted as saying "look at the ass on her," referring to a woman at a holiday party. We also told you about the many other times Bloomberg has been accused of sexism throughout his career, including once reportedly telling his employees, "If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they'd go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale's."

'I'd Do Her': A Brief History of Michael Bloomberg's Public Sexism

Cord Jefferson · 01/29/13 05:30PM

When the latest New York magazine cover story on leading New York City mayoral candidate Christine Quinn came out this week, it quoted current Mayor Michael Bloomberg as telling a reporter to "look at the ass on her" while gesturing toward a woman at a holiday party. Elsewhere in the piece, Quinn spoke briefly about the frequent comments the mayor makes about her clothes and appearance:

Special Needs Student Films Teacher Going Psycho on Him

Lauri Apple · 11/16/11 07:09AM

In hindsight, it's regrettable that nobody believed 15-year-old Julio Artuz when he told them he was being bullied and humiliated by one of his teachers. People believe him now, though, because Artuz used his cellphone-video machine to catch his orange-shirted teacher in the act.

Artuz, who attends Bankbridge Regional School in New Jersey, told NBC that his enraged teacher's comments made him "feel like I'm trash." So he used the technology that God gave him and collected himself some damning evidence. After watching his video, we get the feeling that his teacher—who has been placed on administrative leave pending action by the local education board—won't be in a position to swear and threat to kick his ass anymore: