Yesterday, the New Orleans Police Department announced that its officers will begin wearing cameras to record all of their interactions with the public. This video is an example of why that might be necessary.

The video above, which appeared on WorlstarHipHop yesterday, shows a Jeffersons Parish Sheriff's Department officer forcing his way into a man's home, pushing the man onto his couch, and handcuffing and arresting him, all while the man pleads "You're scaring me" and "Why are you doing this?" The cop orders the bystander recording the interaction to "get out of here," to which the bystander replies, "But this is my house!" At one point the man being arrested begins to panic, yelling "Please don't shoot me!"

The Times-Picayune identifies the man who was arrested as Donrell Breaux, and says that Breaux was charged with "battery of a police officer, resisting arrest with violence, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace." Breaux says that he had a verbal dispute with a neighbor, and the officer who arrested him is a friend of that neighbor.

These sorts of videos are all too common. From sea to shining sea.