
French 'Spiderman' Climbs Sydney Skyscraper

Jeff Neumann · 08/30/10 05:44AM

French "Spiderman" Alain Robert was arrested today for scaling a 57-story building in Australia. Robert's agent, who just happened to be on hand, said he was "shocked," and had absolutely no clue it was going to happen.

Scientists Will Not Stop Until We're All Lizard Monsters

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/10 01:27PM

Monster making! Russian warming! Frog mountains! Bat extinction! Multiple sclerosis! Hurricane season! Quantum entanglement! Pet meds! And Polish geologists! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch your science—while screwing in a light bulb, all alone!

Study: June Was Hottest Month On Record

Jeff Neumann · 07/19/10 06:41AM

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's "State of the Climate" report, last month was the warmest June on record worldwide. Last month also saw the lowest recorded level of Artic sea ice. [NOAA]

Maybe NASA Isn't Completely Worthless

Jeff Neumann · 04/22/10 07:20AM

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory released images of the sun taken in March that include a "prominence eruption" and other crazy things that can take out satellite communications and power grids on Earth.

Grounded Flights Could Lead to Immediate Rise in Temperatures

Ravi Somaiya · 04/17/10 04:11PM

In a bizarre illustration of the actual impact jet trails have on temperature, scientists in England say that the grounding of planes across Europe could have an immediate and measurable impact over the continent in the next few days.

Guy's Frozen Penis Snaps Off in Ian McEwan's New Novel

Maureen O'Connor · 03/14/10 10:22AM

Post-Atonement Ian McEwan wrote a satirical global-warming thriller wherein a man tries to pee outdoors in -26F Norway, then experiences shrinkage so severe his dick turns into a frosty popsicle, cracks, and slips out the leg of his pants.

Mankind to Evolve into Bee-Fighting Monkeys

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/10 01:28PM

To make up for melting ice caps and rising sea levels, global warming is also causing trees to grow "two to four times as fast as normal." In the hot, greenhouse-like future, we can all live high up in the trees. It'll be just like Avatar! Once mankind re-establishes a functioning society in our futuristic treescape, we can turn our attention to the swarms of bees set to take revenge for generations of honey-exploitation. They remember faces. They remember everything.

Osama Bin Laden, Global Warming Activist

Ravi Somaiya · 01/29/10 07:40AM

Bin Laden, if he wasn't living in a cave, would apparently drive a Prius. In a new audio message he lays into the US for causing global warming, and singles out George W. Bush for not ratifying the Kyoto treaty.